Groundwater modelling is the key tool used for predicting future groundwater levels and water chemistry. Our NCGRT researchers are at the forefront of developments and application of modelling technologies and have led the development of the Australian Groundwater Modelling Guidelines. Our work centers around using modelling tools to improve the understanding and management of complex hydrogeological and geochemical systems. Many …
Groundwater in Mining
Mining often takes place in areas of complex hydrogeology, and there is a strong financial and environmental imperative to understand groundwater flow and geochemical processes. NCGRT researchers have been working with mining companies for more than 10 years to understand the groundwater resources of the eastern Pilbara region. Because many of the open-pit iron ore mines extend below the natural …
Managed Aquifer Recharge
Managed aquifer recharge using stormwater and treated wastewater is used to augment water supplies in major urban areas, including Adelaide and Perth. It is also used in rural areas to provide water for irrigation and in mining environments. NCGRT researchers have been involved with design and evaluation of major urban MAR projects, including assessment of physical, chemical and biological clogging …