Groundwater modelling is the key tool used for predicting future groundwater levels and water chemistry. Our NCGRT researchers are at the forefront of developments and application of modelling technologies and have led the development of the Australian Groundwater Modelling Guidelines.
Our work centers around using modelling tools to improve the understanding and management of complex hydrogeological and geochemical systems. Many of our projects involve the integration of mathematical models in conjunction with either fieldwork or laboratory investigations to facilitate an integral approach to many of today’s urgent water resources issues. We have considerable expertise in modelling of groundwater systems, including the interaction between rivers, lakes and groundwater; flow and transport through the vadose zone; modelling of seawater intrusion in coastal environments, and modelling of chemical reactions and geochemical processes. We also have expertise in parameter estimation, uncertainty analysis of model predictions with NCGRT researchers actively involved in the Groundwater Modelling Decision Support Initiative (GMDSI). NCGRT researchers are also frequently engaged as reviewers of developed groundwater models for a variety of clients.
Selected Publications
Hugman R, and Doherty J (2022) Complex of simple – Does a model have to be one or the other? Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 867379.
Bouchex C, Cook PG, Partington D, and Simmons CT (2021) Comparison of Surface Water-Groundwater Exchange Fluxes Derived From Hydraulic and Geochemical Methods and a Regional Groundwater Model. Water Resources Research, 57, 2020WR029137.
Lee W, Bresciani E, An S, Wallis I, Post V, Lee S, and Kang PK (2020) Spatiotemporal Evolution of Iron and Sulfate Concentrations during Riverbank Filtration: Field Observations and Reactive Transport Modeling. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 234, 103697.
Jazayeri A, and Werner AD (2019) Boundary condition nomenclature confusion in groundwater flow modelling. Groundwater, 57, 664-668.
Post VEA, Galvis SC, Sinclair PJ, and Werner AD (2019) Evaluation of management scenarios for potable water supply using script-based numerical groundwater models of a freshwater lens. Journal of Hydrology, 571, 843-855.